How to configure your JustBoom IR remote for LibreElec
In this guide we are going to show you how to configure your JustBoom IR remote for the latest version of LibreElec. For this guide we will assume that you already have LibreElec up and running on your Raspberry Pi and one of the JustBoom HATs with an IR receiver which you can pickup in the Pi Supply Store https://uk.pi-supply.com.
What you need
- Raspberry Pi board
- 8GB (min) micro SD card with latest LibreElec
- Power Supply
- Mouse & Keyboard (or SSH)
- JustBoom HAT (IR receiver)
- JustBoom IR remote control
Step 1 – First boot up your Raspberry Pi with LibreElec and when you get to the configuration window which will pop up make sure that you enable SSH for remote access. Alternatively you can access this in the settings menu.
Once SSH has been enabled and you have also connected to your local network either via Ethernet or Wi-Fi then you can now login. On Mac or Linux you can simply open up a terminal window and type in the following command, replacing the IP address with that of your Raspberry Pi:
ssh root@
When prompted enter the default password:
You should now be logged in to the Raspberry Pi.
Step 2 – The first thing we need to do is add the dtoverlay to the config.txt file for the JustBoom HAT and also configure the IR receiver pin. At the moment this file is read only so we need write access. Type in the following commands:
mount -o remount,rw /flash nano /flash/config.txt
Add the following lines:
dtoverlay=justboom-dac dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=25
CTRL+O & ENTER to save and CTRL+X and ENTER to exit.
mount -o remount,ro /flash
Step 3 – Stop all services for Kodi and IR driver:
systemctl stop kodi systemctl stop eventlircd
Step 4 – Now we need to get the scan codes of the remote control. Type in the following command and start pressing some buttons on your remote:
ir-keytable -p rc-5 -t
NOTE: Check available key commands with:
irrecord -l | grep ^KEY
Step 5 – Create a new remote control configuration file:
nano /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/justboom
Add the following scan codes for the JustBoom IR remote control:
# table justboom, type: rc-5 0x1010 KEY_HOME 0x1011 KEY_POWER 0x1012 KEY_BACK 0x1013 KEY_LEFT 0x1014 KEY_RIGHT 0x101a KEY_UP 0x101b KEY_DOWN 0x1015 KEY_OK 0x1016 KEY_CONTEXT_MENU 0x1017 KEY_MUTE 0x1018 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x1019 KEY_VOLUMEUP
CTRL+O and ENTER to save, CTRL+X and ENTER to exit.
Step 6 – Now lets make sure the remote control configuration file is loaded at boot:
nano /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg
Add the following:
* * justboom
CTRL+O and ENTER to save, CTRL+X to exit.
Step 7 – Reboot your Raspberry Pi and your JustBoom remote control should now be working.