Getting Started with Evergreen Coin StakeBox
StakeBox and EGC (Evergreen Coin) have partnered together to bring you the EGC StakeBox – a device that allows you to stake your EGC cryptocurrency and make a return on your investment.
Staking EGC is the process of securing the network with your coin weight, which in turn rewards you with new EGC.
The StakeBox only require a little bit of setup, allowing you to get up and running in no time at all and including all the essential accessories.
This guide will show you how to get up and running staking your cryptocurrency in no time at all with your EGC StakeBox.
Note: This guide is for reference only and we cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft of wallet data. Please make sure you back up your wallet and passphrase in a variety of locations.
What you will need
- 1 x EGC StakeBox
- USB Keyboard and Mouse (Required for initial setup and maintenance)
Assemble your hardware
- Connect your HDMI cable to your TV/Monitor
- Connect your Keyboard & Mouse
- Insert your EGC microSD card into the SD slot (If purchased separately)
- Connect the micro USB power adapter
EGC StakeBox Login Credentials
By default when your EGC StakeBox boots up it will ask you to login. Below is the login credentials for the operating system:
Username: pi
Password: raspberry
Connecting to Internet
Before we start working with the EGC wallet we must first make sure that we have an internet connection in order to download the blockchain and start staking. There are currently two options with the EGC StakeBox; firstly you can connect and ethernet cable from your router/switch or you can connect to your local Wi-Fi router using the built-in Wi-Fi.
To connect to your wireless router follow these steps:
- In the command line type in the following command to access the Raspberry Pi Configuration menu:
sudo raspi-config
- You will see the following menu options. To connect to your Wi-Fi choose option "2 Network Options".
- On the next menu screen choose "N2 Wi-Fi" to configure the Wi-Fi settings.
- Enter your SSID which is the name of your Wi-Fi. It is important that you spell it exactly how it is on your router. Usually you can find the SSID name of your router on the reverse side if the physical router or in the documentation provided.
- Now enter your unique Wi-Fi password to connect to your Wi-Fi and access the internet.
- Once finished go back to the main menu and exit the Raspberry Pi configuration tool by selecting "Finish".
- To confirm that you have successfully connected to your router you can enter the following command: ifconfig , where under "wlan0" you should see next to "inet" and IP address assigned by your router.
To test you have internet you can use the following command, where you should see a successful response:
Ethernet is as simple as connecting an Ethernet cable from your StakeBox to the back of your router, you should see a green light on the Ethernet port on your StakeBox to indicate that it has successfully connected. For Ethernet DHCP settings you will need to refer to your instruction manual for your router.
Launching Evergreen
By default the evergreen coin damon will run when you boot up your StakeBox and you can issue commands using the "evergreen" command from the command line. If you close or stop the damon from running you can run it again with the following command:
evergreencoind -daemon
You can stop it with:
sudo systemctl stop evergreencoind
Configuring your wallet
Encrypting your wallet is an important aspect of keeping everything safe. You can encrypt your wallet at any time but we recommend doing it at this stage in the guide. To do this you simply type in the following command replacing “yourpassword” with a password of your choice:
evergreencoind encryptwallet yourpassword
This will now begin to encrypt the wallet which in turn will restart the evergreencoin daemon. You should see the following output:
wallet encrypted; EverGreenCoin server stopping, restart to run with encrypted wallet. The keypool has been flushed and you need to make a new backup.
After encrypting your wallet, you can obtain your wallet address by typing the following into the command line:
evergreencoind getaccountaddress ""
You should see something like the following output
You can now send EGC coins to the address we just obtained from the evergreen core daemon. To check your transaction (incoming and outgoing) type in the following command:
evergreencoind listtransactions
First step is to make sure you can access your wallet otherwise you will not be able to stake. To decrypt your wallet type in the following command in the command line replacing password with the password you set to encrypt your wallet:
evergreencoind walletpassphrase password 999999999
The above command will unlock your current wallet for a period of 30+ years. To check to see if your wallet is staking you can type in the following command:
evergreencoind getstakinginfo
If the staking field is false, it means that you are not currently staking i.e. your coins have not yet matured.
To check your balance at any time you can type in the following command which will show you general information, including your available balance and balance for staking:
evergreencoind getinfo
For further information on the EGC cryptocurrency please visit and if you have any queries you can visit the MMO Discord channel here -