How to backup and restore your Whitecoin wallet
Backing up your wallet is an important step to securing your coins in the event of losing your current staking wallet. Having a backup will enable you to restore your wallet for staking.
The Whitecoin StakeBox has a program built in that will automatically backup and save your wallet file to a backup file on the StakeBox. First you need to enter the Terminal window or the command line on your StakeBox. You can access the Terminal from the web GUI by clicking on Terminal in the menu, which will open up a new tab.
To backup your wallet type in the following commands:
cd scripts
This will then begin to backup your wallet and save it as a .zip file in the directory /home/pi/backups/
SFTP File Transfer
First thing you will need to do is enable SSH so we can remotely access the StakeBox and transfer the backup wallet file to your Desktop/Laptop computer. To do this type in the following command in the Terminal:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
The SSH File transfer protocol is the easiest method to transfer files between two devices on your StakeBox. If you have not enabled SSH or you don't know how, then please check out our "How to remotely access your StakeBox" guide in order to do that.
- On your computer you will need to download an FTP client such as FileZilla from filezilla-project.org
- Launch FileZilla and go to File > Site manager
- Create a New Site and name it StakeBox or whatever you like.
- Under General tab fill in the IP address of your StakeBox and in the Protocol box select SFTP. Under Logon Type select normal and then fill in your user name and password for the StakeBox in the below fields.
- Click Connect
- If prompted click ok to trust the host connection
- You are now connected to the StakeBox using SFTP
Here we can see our folder on the right hand side where we saved our wallet backup file earlier.
- On the left hand side navigate to a folder where you would like to save your backup wallet to. For example, you might want to save it to a new folder named Whitecoin Wallet in the Documents folder. Simply navigate to Documents and right click to create a new directory.
- Now locate your wallet backup file on the right hand side and right click the file and select Download
You should now see the back-up wallet has now transferred to your computer. Make sure that you save this wallet in a secure location to prevent any unauthorized access.
To disable SSH again, which is highly recommended you can simply type in the following into the Terminal:
sudo systemctl disable ssh
Restoring your wallet
In the event that you lose your wallet or it get corrupted you can restore it with your backup copy, simply by copying and pasting to the same location that the wallet.dat file is. Remember that you will need to rename your backup wallet file to wallet.dat in order for the Whitecoin application to read your wallet.
Note: Make sure that you stop the whitecoind service before attempting to restore your wallet