Shadilay Kekistanis! Limited edition coins that were inspired by KEKCoin. Please KEK by owning a legitimate KEKCoin before we run out. Our goal is to get these to a cult status so there won't be many made.
Included with this Coin:
- Air-tight Capsule
About the coin
Our coins are struck from brass rounds where they are then antiqued and given a clear finish to protect the coin. This process ensures a consistent and durable plating so your coins will look great for the long haul. The artwork is all original and done by talented designers in-house. These come in air tight plastic cases to maintain their pristine condition. The plastic cases also open up if you prefer to handle them. Our coins are limited edition with a pre-determined quantity that will be announced when they are all circulated. The range of coins minted is between 100 and 1600 and varies for each coin.
What is KEKCoin?
KEKCoin is a peer to peer proof of stake cryptocurrency created to serve the internet community. KEKCoin will soon power immortal chain of memes, as a permanent log of KEK’s will in this world. A combination of revolutionary new technologies, blockchain and permanent web (IPFS). What better way to expand the global awareness of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology than through an endless, infinite chain of dank original content.
Our coins do not contain digital currency. Many of these coins are not official renditions of each crypto project's coin. They are Real Crypto's artistic interpretation of each crypto currency, inspired by the project's symbolism and values. We do not represent these companies in any way and cannot speak on their behalf unless otherwise stated.