Get your Raspberry Shake today and start watching the Earth move, shake and wiggle!
Introducing the Raspberry Shake 3D including our heavy duty fully sealed enclosure – It’s the Raspberry Shake on steroids and completely weatherproof! A three dimensional (3D) version capable of detecting and recording earthquakes and vibrations in all directions.
The unit is brand new and comes complete with the IP67 all weather enclosure, all components, and Raspberry Pi board – tried and tested and ready to shake. Capture the entire wavefield with the 3D at twice the sample rate! This is a complete ready-to-go, turn-key personal earthquake detection device or seismograph. Need some extra protection? No problem, we’ve got you covered.
The hardened enclosure, included here, will protect your unit against rainfall, dust and bugs. We call this an “IP67” enclosure, which means that it is fully weather proof, dust tight and can withstand immersion (30 minutes at 1 meter).
The 3D is a serious piece of kit and ideal for serious earthquake aficionados with some extra cash and geophysical institutes alike who want to install their Raspberry Shake 3D outside.
For your added peace of mind, we test the unit for a few days to make sure that every single software element is working to spec and that your Raspberry Shake is well calibrated.
Just take your Raspberry Shake out of the box, plug it in and connect to see the Earth move.
The Raspberry Shake and some of the software that lives on the Raspberry Pi are licensed under the OSOP Raspberry Shake License. We have made this available at no additional charge for personal use. If you are interested in commercial or institutional use or some use other than for a personal hobby activity, please purchase the License. Raspberry Shake is an OSOP Product.
Features & Benefits
- Plug-and-play affordable home Earth monitoring solution
- Detect & measure earthquakes & seismic activities like fracking, explosions, eruptions, avalanches, landslides etc
- Includes the Raspberry Pi board and all components
- Comes pre built with everything you need to have your Raspberry Shake 3D working right out of the box
- Comes with 3 Earth motion monitoring sensors (geophones), that measure vertically and laterally
- Measure and record the Earth’s motion in all directions
- 100 samples per second sample rate (the original Raspberry Shake works at 50 sps)
- Includes a custom built rain proof, dust proof, bug proof, all weather enclosure
What is included?
- 1 x Raspberry Shake 3D circuit board with boosted processors for a higher sample rate
- 3 x 4.5 Hertz Geophone with cables
- 1 x Raspberry Pi single-board computer
- 1 x IP67 Enclosure
- 1 x aluminum mounting and leveling base
- 1 x 8 GB Micro SD Card (pre-programmed and fully tested)
- 1 x Ethernet Cable with IP67 field kit
- 1 x 5V 2.5 Amp power supply (Plug types supported: A, C, G, I) with IP67 water-resistant power connector
- External connections: Ethernet, Power. Need an external USB connection? Click here.
Why Shake?
The Earth is always shakingggggg! From local tremors, traffic rumbling by, fracking & quarry explosions and even nuclear testing, to the BIG earthquakes that hit half a world away… NOW you can see it ALL! The fun begins with Raspberry Shake, your professional grade personal earthquake detection device – or “seismograph” as the Pros call it! Raspberry Shake conveniently snaps right onto Raspberry Pi, the most popular single-board personal computer in the tech world.
Raspberry Shake is a very clever little custom circuit board, that fits right onto the most popular single-board personal computer, the Raspberry Pi, transforming it into a professional grade personal seismograph. It is probably the smallest seismograph of its caliber in existence, but don’t let its size fool you – It can record earthquakes of all magnitudes, from the vanishingly small blips that are imperceptible to human senses, to the big destructive earthquakes that regularly happen around the world.
As soon as the Raspberry Shake is plugged in and set up, you can see, record and analyze the Earth’s motion in real time!
- Monitor earthquakes and other Earth movements happening right beneath your feet
- Capture human vibrations, such as rush hour traffic, construction, noisy neighbors and even your washing machine’s spin cycle!
- Easily record local earthquakes that you actually felt
- Measure earthquakes from half the world away imperceptible to your human senses but easily seen with your Raspberry Shake.
- Become a citizen scientist, make a difference and share your data with seismic observatories worldwide
- Monitor and analyze the data from any other Raspberry Shake’s in the global network (there are hundreds).
- Check out our Android app and get instant earthquake updates on your phone
- Each Raspberry Shake is carefully put together by our experts and built with industrial quality hardware
How does it work?
Raspberry Shake has two main components:
- The main sensor is a geophone. You can think of it as a microphone for Earth vibrations. It is a rugged little Earth motion sensor that has been the standard in the oil exploration business for decades. As the Earth’s tectonic plates move about, as volcanoes erupt, as we inject fluids into the land around us (“frak-ing”) and as we build more high-rise buildings, the Earth’s brittle crust cracks and creaks. The geophone is an exquisitely sensitive sensor about the size of your thumb and has been finely tuned to accurately measure even the smallest disturbances.
- The amplifier, digitizer and ARM processor. These things work in unison so that you can see the Earth’s motion continuously and in real-time on your computer screen.
How it all comes together: As the geophone captures the vibrations of the Earth, these vibrations are then amplified with ultra-quiet state-of-the-art Op Amps. Once amplified, the analog signal is digitized, the data is shipped to the ARM processor and bundled into one-second packets that are sent to your Raspberry Pi computer. The Raspberry Pi timestamps the data and stores it in a seismic industry standard data format (called miniSEED).
There are soooo many cool things you can do with your Raspberry Shake, for the novice and for the more advanced user.
For the novice, as soon as you are set up, you can start watching the Earth move and see if you can identify any patterns with local factors. These may include seeing spikes as your neighbor’s head out to work, traffic, construction and, of course, tremors and earthquakes or even volcanic eruptions!
For the advanced user, there are tons of things you can jump into, from building your own enclosure to using / creating interpretation software to better understand what is happening around you – Whether it is to analyze tremors and earthquakes, or construction work, your washing machine’s spin cycles, local shale frak-ing and deep-well injection activities (hello Oklahoma!) and even football (soccer) games!
It’s fun to make, fun to program, and fun to watch the Earth moveeeeee!
Additional Information
- Model: RS 3D Magnitude 9 + IP67
- Raspberry Pi model included: Ships with 3 Model B
- Connectivity: Wifi or Ethernet
- System Requirements: Windows, Linux or Mac OS compatible
- License: Free for school teachers / personal use. License must be purchased for government, research or commercial use.
- Warranty: The Raspberry Shake circuit board and geophone components come with a one year guarantee.
- Specifications: Click here.