Set Up Your JustBoom With PiCorePlayer
This guide will show you how to obtain, install and configure piCorePlayer using a JustBoom card.
Remember that this guide will cover slightly different steps when configuring the Wi-Fi for the Raspberry Pi Zero or the full Raspberry Pi.
Before you start.
piCorePlayer has been tested with:
- JustBoom Amp HAT
- JustBoom DAC HAT
- JustBoom Digi HAT
- JustBoom Amp Zero
- JustBoom DAC Zero
- JustBoom Digi Zero
Section 1 – Retrieve the image
Step 1 – With your browser head to piCorePlayer and click on Download.
If you are familiar with this section and you are using a Raspberry Pi Zero you can skip directly to Section 2 – Configure WiFi otherwise skip to Section 3 – Configure piCorePlayer
Step 2 – Select either of the latest versions. The “Audio Optimised” one allows for additional setting in the configuration which are available for a more advanced usage and will not be covered in this guide.
Step 3 – Use our favourite tool Etcher to transfer the image onto a Micro SD card. Select the image you want to flash, choose the drive on which to write and flash the card.
Note that the footprint of this OS allows for it to be stored on very small cards so any micro SD will do just fine.
Step 4 – After a while your image will have been written onto your Micro SD card. Remove it from your reader and insert it in your Raspberry Pi.
Make sure that you have followed one of our assembly guides before you get to this point.
Section 2 – Configure WiFi
If you are not planning on using the Ethernet interface of your Raspberry Pi B+, 2B or 3B or simply because you are running piCorePlayer on a Raspberry Pi Zero you will need to configure the Wi-Fi settings.
- An easy approach for using piCorePlayer via Wi-Fi on a full Raspberry Pi is to configure the Wi-Fi settings by connecting via Ethernet at first and once the settings are done remove the Ethernet cable.
- The second method requires for you to run the setup command from a monitor connected to your Raspberry Pi Zero and configure the Wi-Fi during first boot.
Follow steps 1.x for method 1 and 2.x for 2.
Step 1.1 – With your browser point to http://<your IP>. This should take you to piCorePlayer’s home page. Check the notes below.
Click on “Wifi Settings”. Turn On the Wifi and fill in the details accordingly. If you are not using the on board Wifi on the Raspberry Pi 3B remember to deselect it.
Once done click on “Save/Connect”.
Step 1.2 – Click “OK” to reboot the Raspberry Pi.
On startup you will be connected to the Wi-Fi you configured.
Step 2.1 – With a keyboard and monitor connected to your Raspberry Pi press Enter the get a prompt on the shell then type
setup |
A window will open, select “Continue”.
Step 2.2 – Select “Wifi”.
Step 2.3 – Select “No” in order to edit the settings for the Wi-Fi connection. Select “Yes” to turn the Wi-Fi on.
Step 2.4 – Once the various parameters are set select “OK” and press the “Yes” to accept the new settings and finally “Exit” to close the windows.
Write the following command to restart the system:
Section 2 – Configure piCorePlayer
Step 1 – Power up your Raspberry Pi and wait a couple of minutes for the OS to boot up completely.
Point your browser to http://<your IP> to be redirected to piCorePlayer’s main page*. Once there click on “Squeezelite Settings”.
Step 2 – From “Audio output” drop down menu select your JustBoom card then click “Save”.
Step 3 – piCorePlayer will make the necessary changes and ask you to reboot the system. Click “OK”.
Step 4 – The page should automatically refresh once the system has fully rebooted but if it doesn’t click on “Go to Main Page” to manually refresh.
Step 5 – If all has gone well the main page should show that Squeezelite is running and ready to be used via Logitech Media Server.
Step 6 – You can install LMS on your local machine or directly on piCorePlayer. You can visit their How to section for more information.
Remember to select the right player within LMS as shown in the picture.
You will now be able to enjoy piCorePlayer with your JustBoom card.
*Note that the IP address of piCorePlayer can be found in several ways the easiest of which is to have a monitor connected to the Raspberry Pi and once the boot process is finished you should be able to find the IP address within the last two lines on the screen. In our case it was: