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Set Up Your JustBoom With LibreELEC

Set Up Your JustBoom With LibreELEC

This guide will show you how to obtain, install and configure LibreELEC for a JustBoom card.

Remember that this guide is intended for both the Raspberry Pi B+, 2B, 3B and the Raspberry Pi Zero.

Before you start.

LibreELEC has been tested with:

  • JustBoom Amp HAT
  • JustBoom DAC HAT
  • JustBoom Digi HAT
  • JustBoom Amp Zero
  • JustBoom DAC Zero
  • JustBoom Digi Zero

Section 1 – Retrieve the image

Step 1 – With your browser head to LibreELEC and click on Download.

If you are familiar with this section you can skip to Section 2 – Configure LibreELEC.

Step 2 – Scroll down to “Direct Downloads” to  select the right image for your hardware platform.

Alternative you can download LibreELEC’s own installer by selecting the right version for your own desktop OS.

Step 3 – Select the right version based on the Raspberry Pi model you are going to use then choose the latest version available.

Note that the link for the image changes based on the drop-down menu.

Step 4 – Use our favourite tool Etcher to transfer the image onto a Micro SD card. Select the image you want to flash, choose the drive on which to write and flash the card.

Note that a card of 4GB or more is required.

Step 5 – After a while your image will have been written onto your Micro SD card. Remove it from your reader and insert it in your Raspberry Pi.

Make sure that you have followed one of our assembly guides before you get to this point.

Section 2 – Configure LibreELEC

Step 1 -Power up your Raspberry Pi and wait a couple of minutes for the OS to boot up completely. Follow the instructions on screen to provide the basic configuration for LibreELEC.

Step 2 – If the Ethernet cable on the Raspberry Pi is not connected or if you are using a Raspberry Pi Zero, LibreELEC will ask you the details of your Wi-Fi network. Choose the right access point and click “Next”.

If you are installing a JustBoom Zero board remember to enable SSH after sorting the networking as you will need to make changes at the OS level.

Step 3 – With the connection established either wired or wireless your Raspberry Pi will have now received an IP address as shown in the picture.

Step 4 – If installing for a JustBoom Zero open an SSH session to your Raspberry Pi as you will need to edit the file /flash/config.txt

You can either connect via IP address or use libreelec.local Check the notes below.

The credentials are:

Username: root
Password: libreelec

Run the following two commands

mount -o remount,rw /flash
nano /flash/config.txt

Add this at the bottom of the file for Amp Zero and DAC Zero


Add this at the bottom of the file for Digi Zero


Save and run these two commands

mount -o remount,ro /flash


Step 5 – We now need to configure the JustBoom card within Kodi.

Click on the cog in the top left corner of the screen.

Step 6 – Select “System settings”.

Step 7 – Select “Audio” and then “Audio output device”.

Step 8 – Select your JustBoom card from the drop-down list as shown in the picture.

You  will now be able to enjoy LibreELEC with your JustBoom card.

*Note for Windows users: If your browser cannot resolve libreelec.local you will need to install Bonjour from AppleAlternatively you will have to find out the IP address of your Volumio box. If you have connected a monitor to your Raspberry Pi you should see it on the screen most likely in the form of 192.168.x.y. Your browser will have to be pointed to http://192.168.x.y

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